They had the John Deer Green on the shelf too and she assured me it was the same stuff.
So I got a gallon of my "Radio Flyer White" and a 8oz bottle of Enamel hardener.
All I need now is another quart of the Safety Red, an empty paint can (I'm only going to "activate 1/2 gallon of the White at a time to see the coverage... once the hardener is activated it only has a shelf life of about 8 hours)
So I will be using the white to paint the bumper, frame, step, tounge, upper half of the trailer, the roof, and the badges.
The lower half will be Safety Red to match the Wheels, Tanks, Interior... I think I decided (not 100% yet) on moving the red up another notch to the seam just below the front side windows (following it back it is also right below the door catch, the tin badge under the grab handle, and angle down the same way as above but the rear will wrap around right above the "following" badge on the rear.
Now the other thought I have is... should I paint the tounge, bumper, Step and Frame RED to go with the wheels and Paint the tanks White? or keep the lower portion the same as it is now and just repaint it the new white?
Also, should I polish the splash guard on the front (behind the tanks) or just paint it red? Decisions decisions!!!
I'm going to paint the red on the lower body first... that way I can see if that is what I want before painting the white on top.
Here's what I'm thinking... thoughts? Be honest I'd rather hear it now then after it's painted! :)

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