Originally the Dinette was in the rear,under the bunk... bad design. Nobody over 5 feet tall could get in and out of the dinnette seats without taking a deep breath and ducking, bending, and manuvering... so it didn't get used as much as I hoped it would. So I pulled out the bunk (for now)and I swapped it.
Dinette went up front, and the Couch went to the rear... for now.
Okay here's where it sits today. I might add, it's built better now than before. At least up front. (sorry about the cell phone pics, too lazy to take out the camera.)

okay, now the rest of the project...
So the reason I removed the bunk. 1" thick plywood was WAY to heavy... could never load enough stuff in the front to counter balance when I had to fill my water tank. Plus the weight was up high... made it tipsy too...
next up in the next few months as I find the time...
1. remove the rear couch (for the time being)
2. Build a wall off the rear of the Kitchenette to make an enclosed 27"x43" bathroom.
3. Build a 22"x17"x36" dresser set that will get against the rear wall below the window facing forward. (beside the new wall for the bathroom)
4. Remove the closet and re-install a new Couch platform along the wall where the current closet is.
5. Reinstall a lighter, smaller bunk platform between the new wall and the existing mounts. Instead of 1" solid plywood to the tune of 83"x42", it will be hollow built from 1x2" and luan 1/4" plywood about 55"x34". (Should save about 100 pounds or more)I will also make doors on the front for easier access to the storage when not used as a bunk.
6. Build a new cabinet over the new side mount couch between the door and the new smaller bunk about 47"x13"x16". This wil house teh Microwave and stereo flush mounted, and have two smaller storage areas too.
7. re-paint interior. (new wood and scratches)
So this now gives me a private bathroom for the porta-potty... but I can take it a step further... I can install a black (and grey while I'm at it) and a flushing toilet.
If I am really tempted to go further... I can install a full shower there too. Might as well, I want to install a better 12v water pump and water heater anyways.
Still deciding on what way to go for the storage tanks... find some used, have a couple built... or build my own with 6" PVC pipes under the trailer. Heck, I can even build a new fresh water storage while I'm at it. We'll see what the coming months bring... what I know is, I have to figure out something to do with the existing fresh water tank (it's in the new bathroom) and move the battery out to the tounge, or at least somewhere else than where it is.
Stay Tuned!